To help build the Spiritual House with living stones commencing from the Chief Cornerstone, equip and disciple families to be able to disciple other families.
Investing into families by teaching christian living and restore God's order in families
To disciple people that longs to grow their relationship with God
To find common bonds to draw people together to fellowship, pray, read the Word of God and eat together
Extending His kingdom by planting churches
Praying for His kingdom, His purpose and His will over all of South Africa and the world
To help build the Spiritual House with living stones commencing from the Chief Cornerstone, equip and disciple families to be able to disciple other families.
To disciple people that longs to grow in their relationship with God.
Investing into families by teaching Christian living and restore God's order in families.
To create opportunities of corporate anointing to send burning arrows into the House of God.
To find common bonds to draw people together to fellowship, pray, read the Word of God and eat together.
Investing into opportunities where believers could fellowship through common bond.
Extending His Kingdom by planting churches.
Help people to find their personal Godly vision and calling.
Equipping and releasing believers into their Godly vision.
Work together with churches across all denominations.
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- Family First has the right to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me whether I agree or disagree with their message.
- The devotional is for personal use and when it is distributed, it is done at own risk and I undertake to hold Family First harmless against any claim or liability that may incur because thereof.
- The devotionals are the property of Family First and may not be sold to any third party.
- The information given to receive the devotionals are done so freely.
- Family First has the right to cancel my subscription, when subscribing, at any time without a given reason.
- I am solely responsible for informing Family First when my details such as email address, mailing address, contact number etc. has changed or needs to be updated or removed.
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