Where do you run when you are facing feelings of failure? To what do you turn to when you are not able to do what God has called you to do? We all struggle with something and often see that as our weakness, but God has some good news for us! There is therefore now …
I believe I can fly
A helium balloon has the power to fly, because of the helium that has been put inside of it. The only way a helium balloon won’t fly is if you tie it to something that is heavy and will hold it back onto the ground, or if you hold onto the balloon. We are like helium …
Free Flying
A helium balloon only has the power of flight, because of the helium that is inside of it. The only way the helium balloon isn’t free to fly is if it is tied to a heavy object. We are like helium balloons. We have that power inside of us to fly and be free (the …
I believe I can fly
A helium balloon has the power to fly, because of the helium that has been put inside of it. The only way a helium balloon won’t fly is if you tie it to something that is heavy and will hold it back onto the ground, or if you hold onto the balloon. We are like …
Serving means “to perform duties or services for another person”. Josh Hagee once said: “The measure of a man’s greatness is not the number of servants he has, but the number of people he serves.” In John 13:3 we read that Jesus knew 3 things: 1) He knew God gave Him all authority. 2) He knew …